Our Philippines operation has a dedicated team in excess of one hundred staff. Our team maintains decades of experience in the industry.
QED have had a long-standing relationship with many of the key resources in this country and are keen supporters of the communities that we both live and work within.
QED is a strong supporter of sustainable solutions for the minerals industry in the Philippines. Ensuring we maintain a strong social license within the community is extremely important to our business.

QED’s aim is to be recognised as the “drilling partner of choice” within the markets that we serve through offering a diversified drilling solution to our clients.
QED maintains a talented team of people that is focussed upon the delivery of quality outcomes for our clients. Our client base is diverse in their pursuit of different minerals, QED’s service offering remains focussed upon delivering the right drilling outcome for your project.

Mineral Exploration and Near Mine Solutions
Geotechnical Site Investigations
Production Drilling Solutions
Slim Hole Geothermal Exploration
Our commitment to ensuring the safety of out team is paramount. We are proud of the exemplary safety records that our teams maintain.
Our Safety Management System conforms to ISO 45001: 2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.
We have employed an integrated web-based solution that allows our teams access our safety tools effectively in the field.
QED’s EHST Leadership have established a “Critical Risks Program” that is designed to ensure that all employees understand the key risks that need to be controlled across our drilling operation.
Verification of competency training programs are in place for our staff.
QED believes that we have a responsibility to ensuring that every one of our employees can head home safely every day.
QED has broad experience in ensuring that we deliver the right outcome for our client base. As a business we need to ensure that we deliver real value to our clients.